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- The brief introduction to Zicheng Wushu School -

Longkou Zicheng Wushu School, established on May 1st, 1996, is named by making use the name of the famous Wushu Expert---Ding Zicheng.
This school is non-governmental enterprise belonging to Longkou Education Bureau of PE and is the professional school to take part in different Wushu competitions as representative of Longkou. In recent years, Longkou Zicheng Wushu School has gained many Golden and Silver Prizes in many competitions. Moreover, there is one complete set of advanced teaching and living establishment in the school, including Teaching Building, Dormitory, Indoor Wushu Hall, Dining Room which can accommodate hundreds of people, library and computer room. Furthermore, our school has recruited teachers with middle or senior grade and 18 teachers with provincial qualification of coach and judge.
This school sets up its own teaching concept: run the school according to law, combine civil and military, give priority to civil, give prominence to our feature to try our best to gain excellent scores in different competitions: send them to high level Wushu team; give prominence to the prominence; make the graduates reach level of national second grade athlete; excellent scores; grade of every student reaches educating standard of 9 years of compulsory education of the state; specific recruitment grade of different PE schools and Normal Universities can be reached, take part in specific examination of sports of the state; pass qualification certificate of professional administrative department in charge; take the examination to get certificate as qualified coach in the province ratified by Shandong Wushu Academy to put basis for the students to take up an occupation, enter the service or work as safe guarder; improve proportion of competitive students in different aspects and channels.

Wuhan Institute of Physical Education and Shandong Physical Education Institute have set up practice teaching base in our school to send graduates with bachelor degree from the Wushu department to teach in our school. Moreover, our school has ranked as first, second or third position for three years in the name of the party while taking part in Yantai Wushu Competition. In recent years, our school has sent 10 lettermen to Yantai Wushu Group, Shandong Wushu Group and Tianjin Wushu Group, and there are many students passing the examination and entering into Shandong Physical Education Institute and Wuhan Institute of Physical Education. The National Wushu Magazine “Wudang” Magazine and “Shaolin and Shadowboxing” Magazine have reported our school in the eighth and ninth edition in 2002. Welcome the young to come to our school for training and gain brilliance of Longkong Wushu Career!
- Traditional Wushu -

Wushu is based on Chinese traditional culture.Its main content is skill,and its performa????nce form is boxing and wrestling.Wushu pays attention to the inside and outside accomplishment.The skill accomplisment is very important and distinct in the Chinese traditional physical culture.It has wide social value and rich national culture characters.During the long development,Wushu has become the marrow about liveing and it is a comprehensive expression of skill,mysteriells,secret and profound.So it forms many categories and systematic skill system.Internal family,outer family,shaolin,wudang,Southern boxing Northern legs.Eastern spear and western stick.You'll appreciate the miracle and mystery about Chinese Wushu.The cream of modern PE courages all kinds of skills into itself.To seek the true essence of wushu.It will get you swim freely in the wushu ocean,and it is a gold key to wushu palace.

- The Master of Great learning and intergrity -

Mr Ding zi cheng was a great master in wushu.Famous Chinese skill educationist,named Er zhong,word Zicheng.Today in Long kou city many people like the traditional wushu.and made it the base for mass PE.He liked wushu and contributed to it.He companioned wushu is allhis life and studied it.He had many opprentices and taught them all that he had studied.Especially he contributed all his energy to the development of six-combines boxing.
